Fireside Chat: From Lab to Business – What does it take to change the career runway to business? – A Conversation across Business Development, Alliance Management, Project Management and Technology Licensing Office to illustrate the career transition opportunities.
爐邊談話:從實驗室到企業 – 如何轉換職業跑道到商業為導向的職位?– 利用與三位資深業務主管的對話來說明公司商業管理操作和職業轉換機會: 橫跨業務發展, 聯盟管理, 專案管理 和 技術轉移管理辦公室
Webinar Description
In recent years, many have sought guidance on navigating the transition from academia to industry, particularly in shifting from scientific roles to business-oriented positions. However, misconceptions abound regarding opportunities in business. Is Business Development (BD) merely about securing clients to sell products? Can someone who has never worked in an industrial team environment effectively serve as a Project Manager (PM) in a company? What exactly does an Alliance Manager do? And what is the role of the Technology Transfer Officer? Understanding the distinctions among these professions is crucial for a successful career transition.
Today, we are grateful to invite three business senior officers coming from three different business areas, their work is intertwined with each other yet are different to enable the company to execute their strategy to sustain the success. Please join us to hear them sharing their experiences and advice on how to step from science into business and where the opportunities are.
近年來,許多人都在尋求從學術界向業界跨業的指導,特別是在從科學角色轉變為以商業為導向的職位方面。然而,關於商業機會的誤解比比皆是,尤其是在業務發展 (BD) 等領域。這僅僅是為了確保客戶銷售產品嗎?從未在公司團隊環境中工作過的人能否有效地在公司擔任專案管理經理 (PM)?聯盟經理具體是做什麼的?技術轉移管理辦公室的作用是什麼?瞭解這些職業之間的區別對於成功的職業轉型至關重要。
今天,我們有幸邀請到三位資深業務主管, 他們來自個不同的業務領域,但工作彼此交織在一起,使公司能夠執行他們的戰略以維持成功。請加入我們,聽他們分享他們的經驗和建議,如何從科學進入商業領域,以及機會在哪裡。
Time: 9-11pm ET / 6-8pm PT, December 15 (US) / 10am-12pm Taiwan, December 16 (Taiwan)
- Li-Ming Liang 梁立明, MSc., MBA (LinkedIn)
- Benning Wang 王本甯, MSc, LLB, MBA, CLP. (LinkedIn)
- Lei (Chuang) Cochran 莊蕾潔, MS., MBA., PMP (LinkedIn)
- Speaker BIOs