2022 TAAB Monthly Web Event

Are you just starting out in your Pharma R&D career? Still working hard? Or you are still a graduate student/postdoc and still at a loss about the Pharma career path. The May career forum of TAAB is honored to invite Yvonne Meng, the former president of BTBA and now the Biologics Discovery Principal Scientist at Janssen Pharmaceutical Company of Johnson & Johnson, to share with us her experience in running Pharma R&D Career. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn and interact with Yvonne!

你正在Pharma R&D 職涯剛起步嗎?還是辛苦經營中?或者你還是研究生/博士後, 對Pharma career path 還很茫然。台美生技五月career forum很榮幸請到BTBA前會長, 現在在 Janssen Pharmaceutical Company of Johnson & Johnson 任職Biologics Discovery Principal Scientist的孟憲薇 Yvonne Meng來跟我們分享她經營Pharma R&D Career的心得及撇步。不要錯過了這個跟 Yvonne 學習互動的機會喔!